Monday, March 8, 2010

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

I've done 2 posts already tonight so I'm doubtful that I will have very much to offer on this one. I wonder sometimes if this film had come out before the Lord of the Rings Trilogy if it would have been received differently. Don't get me wrong, the reviews were good (75% on Rottentomatoes) and it grossed nearly $300 million domestically. But it's impossible to watch the film and not compare it to the nearly 10 hours of film related to middle earth. The primary differences I find between the two are that Narnia is geared more towards kid than LOTR and while both contain Christian symbolism, Narnia is more heavy on the symbolism than LOTR.
This is a film that I look forward to watching with my son when he is old enough. It's rated PG, but it is not one I would show him until he is a bit older. The child actors in the film are all suitable for their roles and don't detract too much from the film. Liam Nesson does great voice work as Aslan and the cast also includes Tilda Swinton, James McAvoy, Jim Broadbent, Ray Winstone, Rupert Everett and Michael Madsen. It is beautifully shot and the action is an intense as a PG movie can get. I remember greatly enjoying it when I saw it in theaters but it is a movie that I otherwise wouldn't pick up if I wasn't trying to re-watch them all.


  1. I couldn't watch it... I was reluctant at first, then when I got around to it, I fell asleep near the beginning....

  2. I couldn't finish the second one, but I thought this one was okay and I most look forward to watching it with Ben when he is old enough.
