Monday, March 1, 2010

Black Beauty

This is why I knew it would be a struggle to watch every movie my wife and I owned alphabetically because there are going to be movies like this. Ones that my wife owns that is so appallingly bad that I would not be able to finish it. Thankfully in the case of this film even my wife could not make it through 25 minutes of this one.
Black Beauty is a kids film so it get some extra rope than a bad romantic comedy or mellow drama, but that does not excuse having a film narrated from the horses perspective. Let that one sink in for a minute ... now factor in that the narration begins at birth!
Of course I can't give this film a proper review since I couldn't make it through 25 minutes. The characters we meet are the definition of one dimensional, the drama I saw on a bridge in a storm was laughable and the dialogue is as dry as a Miguel Cabrera (
I have been threatened already by my wife that I will have to watch Hope Floats and similar films the entire way through, but for now I am simply glad that I survived this one without losing 30 minutes of my life.

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